Environmental Control ReportSurface Transport & Logistics

The Environmental Control Report, reports the compliance or non-compliance regarding the attendance of the mitigating measures and the environmental control plan. The Environmental Control Report is required during the installation or operation stage.
Must be considered all the potentially polluting aspects, as atmospheric emissions, waste and wastewater generation.
What is the content of a environmental control report?
The basic content of the ECR includes: description of the production process; characterization of emissions generated by the several sectors of a business, regarding noise, wastewater, atmospheric pollutants and solid waste.:
I – Program for prevention, monitoring and control of erosion processes;
II – Fauna monitoring;
III – Program for recovery of degraded areas;
IV – Mitigation program for environmental liabilities;
V – Risk management program and emergency action plan – PAE;
VI – Environmental education program and social communication;
VII – Environmental management plan.
In summary, the content must include the following topics:
- Identification of the entrepreneur;
- Characterization of the enterprise;
- Areas of influence;
- Diagnoses of the physical environment, biotic and socioeconomic;
- Environmental liabilities;
- Identification and evaluation of environmental impacts;
- Environmental regularization basic plan.
Who needs ?
In general, is required during installation or operation stages, to verification of compliance and non-compliance with respect to the fulfilment of the mitigating measures and environmental control, as example, for industries.
How BCS can help?
BCS has a multidisciplinary team able to evaluate environmentally your Project, equating and minimizing possible environmental and social problems, in order to identify the best solutions for your business.