Environmental Feasibility StudyConsumer Products
What is a Simplified Environmental Study (SES)?
During the previous license, the Simplified Environmental Study (SES) is based on the assessment of environmental impacts of activities and business of very low impact or non-significant impacts. The environmental agency may require other studies, such as a RAP or an EIA/RIMA.
Who needs na SES?
Any business that has a low polluting potential of the environment.
What is the content of a SES?
The content of the EAS is a description of the project, with a diagnoses and assessment of environmental impacts:
- Justification of the business or business;
- Characterization of the enterprise;
- Environmental diagnose of the direct influence area;
- Identification of environmental impacts;
- Mitigating measures and environmental control.
BCS has a specialized and multidisciplinary team able to evaluate all the environmental variables related to the business, looking for to minimize possible social and environmental impacts, in order to identify the best solution s for your business.
In the previous license stage, the Preliminary Environmental Study analyzes the environmental viability of the location, installation, operation and expansion of an activity or project.
Who needs na PES ?
Potentially high impacting companies or high polluters.
What is the content of an Preliminary Environmental Study?
An PES includes:
- Diagnosis of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic resources;
- Assessment of environmental impacts;
- Proposals of mitigating measures and environmental control.
How can BCS help?
Master Ambiental has a multidisciplinary team able to evaluate the environmental impacts caused by the business, equating and minimizing possible environmental and social impacts, in order to identify the best solutions for your company.
Importance of the Environmental Impact Study
An Environmental Impact Assessment allows companies, governments and other people involved to understand the full spectrum of consequences of the potential project before it actually starts. It is essential to promote corporate sustainability and to preserve the environment.
An environmental impact study does not necessarily mean that a project will lead to pollution or damage the ecosystem, it simply establishes what ways the proposal can interact with the world around it. Through the Environmental Impact Study, it is possible to guarantee the implementation of works, constructions and economic development, combined with environmental preservation.
The Environmental Impact Study is essential for the approval of an environmental license for a given project, so it must be done by companies and specialized professionals.
At BCS, EIAs are prepared by a qualified multidisciplinary team, which will identify the best solutions for your business.