Environmental licensing

Services provided by a consulting company environmental licensing

Environmental licensing consultancy is an activity carried out by companies specialized in issues related to the environment. In the environmental licensing consultancy, the company that provides this service performs the study and all the necessary analysis to survey possible environmental impacts that the enterprise that contracted it may cause in nature. These studies involve analysis of natural environments such as water, air, soil, fauna and flora, which can suffer contamination or changes in its ecosystem due to the activity to be developed by the enterprise.

The environmental licensing consultancy can also provide the contracting enterprise of its service with advice on the correct way to proceed with the facilities, with the resources that will be used and also with the destination of the waste that will be produced. Because of this, the hiring of a company specialized in environmental licensing consultancy is essential for all projects to comply with current environmental standards and legislation.

The importance of searching for consulting environmental licensing

he correct use of the environmental resources of a space guarantees benefits to an industrial activity. In addition to the efficient management of raw materials, this practice ensures the adequacy of tasks based on the legislation of different entities. Therefore, it is necessary that companies and industries seek consultancy services for environmental licensing, which will indicate the procedures recommended by the legislation so that the performance of a business model is regularized within the scope of sustainability.

Environmental licensing consultancy is a requirement for any process that has an environmental impact. Therefore, the use of natural resources or the partial or total disposal of waste in nature must be properly licensed by regulatory authorities. In order for the entire production process to be adapted to meet inspection requirements, it is important to have the supervision of experienced and trained professionals in environmental licensing consulting services. Thus, the guidance for these cases is to hire a company that operates in the environmental advisory segment.



Environmental licensing is an extremely important legal requirement, so that government authorities can exercise control over certain activities that may interfere with environmental conditions and the quality of those conditions. This tool also allows a company to identify the environmental effects caused by its activities and how these effects can be managed, in an attempt to reconcile economic development and the sustainable use of natural resources.

BCS ‘activities include the management and provision of services for obtaining and regularizing environmental licenses (that is, Preliminary, Installation and Operation Licenses), in accordance with the legislation.

  • Types of environmental license:

    • Preliminary License 

      License that must be requested in the planning phase of the implementation, alteration or expansion of the enterprise. This license only approves the environmental feasibility and establishes the technical requirements (the “conditions”) for the development of the project, but does not authorize its installation.

    • Installation License

      This approves the projects. It is the license that authorizes the beginning of the project’s implementation work. It is granted after the conditions of the Preliminary License have been met.
  • Operation License 

    License that authorizes the beginning of the operation of the enterprise / work, of the productive activities. It is granted after it is granted after inspection to verify that all requirements have been met.

  • Licença de Pesquisa SísmicaIt authorizes seismic surveys at sea and in transition zones, establishing all the conditions to be observed by the conductor of the activity.

Environmental licensing is a legal requirement to which all undertakings or activities that employ natural resources or that may cause some type of pollution or degradation to the environment are subject. It is an administrative procedure whereby the location, installation, expansion and operation of these undertakings and / or activities is authorized.

Environmental licensing steps

The environmental licensing process follows the following steps:

  1. Definition by the competent environmental agency of the documents, projects and environmental studies necessary to start the process; Application for an environmental license by the entrepreneur, accompanied by relevant environmental documents, projects and studies;
  2. Analysis by the competent environmental agency of the documents, projects and environmental studies presented;
  3. Request for clarifications and additions by the competent environmental agency;
  4. Public hearing, when applicable;
  5. Request for clarifications and additions by the competent environmental agency, resulting from public hearings;
  6. Issuance of conclusive technical opinion and, when applicable, legal opinion;
  7. Granting or rejecting the license request, giving due publicity. The procedure may be simplified in the case of activities with little potential for environmental impact.

Environmental Licensing is an instrument of the Environmental Policy that aims to regulate potentially polluting activities, in order to ensure a quality environment for society.

In addition to reducing the possibility of fines imposed due to environmental pollution, licensing presents several advantages to entrepreneurs. Among them we can highlight.

  1. Facilitates obtaining credits and financing from some institutions, according to the National Environment Policy;
  2. Minimization of accidents involving civil liability;
  3. Potential reduction in insurance costs;
  4. Improves operational procedures with employees and health and safety conditions at work;
  5. It improves the business environment, large companies tend to ask their suppliers for a license as a form of qualification.
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